~ P L E A S E ~ L E A V E ~ Y O U R ~ C O M M E N T S ~

The owner of this guestbook has (temporarily) disabled adding new messages.

1:00pm 03-24-2007
Brian Redfearn
Mark, if you want to contact me call me during the week on 07921 xxx xxx, I\'m not GAY byt BOB is, I\'m just a beeter fisherman

Bob, I\'ve still got the photos !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edit from Bob: Telephone number removed for confidentiality - Mark please contact me for number.
8:22am 03-24-2007
"Hi this is a message for Brian Redfearn so glad i stumbled across this web site been wanting to see what ya look like for ages (years) i know this sounds Gay to anyone else who is reading this"

That's OK mate - Brian IS Gay - i'll pass on your message!
3:25pm 03-22-2007
Mark H R
Hi this is a message for Brian Redfearn so glad i stumbled across this web site been wanting to see what ya look like for ages (years) i know this sounds Gay to anyone else who is reading this but this is really inportant to me! i just thought i should let him know that im ok and so is my sister and her 2 kids Bailey 6 and Travis 4 ive been in a relationship with a woman called Debbie for the last 5 years and we have been living together for the past 2 years and are now expecting a baby girl at the end of April i dont know if he wants to ever speak to me again put please can somone let me know eather way if he does or he doesnt this mean a LOT to me .....Thankyou
8:13pm 01-30-2007
Colin Saunders
I have noticed Paul (sneck) Sneedon doesen't get any better looking, and his barber must have a warped sense of humor.
5:45pm 01-24-2007
neil ward
looks like bob has been making entries on my behalf. flash in the pan my arse stand by your boxes and get ready for round 2
8:36pm 01-20-2007
Neil Ward
I'd just like to say that my first season fishing was a flash in the pan and I don't expect to as well this year.
9:11am 01-09-2007
Fishing weekend is booked If you want to go then pay £20 to Mark Scott ASAP.
6:56pm 01-03-2007
happy new matey keep up the great work see thee soon
11:27am 01-03-2007
Happy New Year Rhys - it's not like you to take a long time finding things is it mate? You've taken about as long as it takes you to find our fishing venues.

I've added your e-mail to the circulation list now so there is no hiding from me.
6:07pm 12-31-2006
well done bob malc has just given me this web address,took me over an hour to work out how to go thro it,about as good with this computer as am with a f##kin fishin rod see u in the new year mate av a good one
5:22pm 10-24-2006
took the caven by storm till i was ejected from the stage scouse twats
11:00am 10-09-2006
The fishing presentation night will take place in the Staff on Friday 20th October - Be there.
6:48pm 09-30-2006
just seen the weekend update brill as always LES
3:21pm 09-17-2006
Big Gary says he daren't put a message in this guestbook cos he reckons the lads will just abuse him. Lads, you might want to check out Gary's online diary Not saying he's boring or owt, but he aint done owt since 2003?
3:38pm 09-11-2006

Day 2 of my hangover
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